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Natasha Marley's Blurbs @ MySpace

Writer: Natasha MarleyNatasha Marley

About me: I was born on June 20th 1984 at Aldershot, near London. My Dad was in the army so we were soon posted to Germany where my brother, Daniel, was born. We moved back and forth from Germany to England, until I left home just before my 18th birthday. It was hard for my mum to have a career because we were always moving, so she had lots of different jobs, all of which she was very good at. My childhood was fun and happy and my parents did their best to make sure my brother and I were well provided for. I have always been close to my Auntie Rose and Uncle Mark, who I had a lot of fun with when I was younger. When I was about 8 years old, on 23rd September (my parents' wedding anniversary) my Dad had a brain haemorrhage. He was on a life support machine for a week and only had a 4% chance of survival. Amazingly he pulled through and was allowed home at the beginning of December. My Mum has been in and out of hospital with back problems. She has had 3 operations, but has only just started to get over her back problems with the help of a hormone tablet. If they had given her this in the first place it would have saved a lot of pain and worry! Despite having these problems she is a typical Super Mum, always has been and always will be! When I was 12 we moved to Woodbridge and I started hanging around with people quite a bit older than me. My parents thought I was getting in with "the wrong crowd" and I was bullied quite badly at school. Because of these circumstances I was advised to leave the school and was sent to boarding school! I had been threatened with it, but never thought they would really send me. Anyway, I hated it. It was the start of year nine, the school was massive and it was the first school I had been to that wasn't an army school, so it wasn't full of army kids like me. It was called Wymondham College and I spent just under 3 years there, getting into more and more trouble as I got older. I just couldn't live by rules and I hated being told what to do. Most of the teachers liked me, but I felt that one person really had it in for me and just seemed to hassle me the whole time I was there. That person was my Housemaster, he said I would fail my exams and never amount to anything! Well look at me now! Despite getting kicked out a week before my GCSE's (I was allowed in only to sit the exams!) I passed every one of them with B and C grades. After I got expelled I went to live with my parents in Germany, where they had been most of the time I had been at boarding school. While I was at school, because my parents were never around on the weekends, I started going to clubs at 14. So when I moved back home I really went crazy, as you only have to be 16 to drink beer in Germany. I was out every Friday, Saturday and sometimes Sunday nights. I started my A Levels at army school, I took GNVQ Advanced in Health and Social Care, A Level IT, AS Level Biology and 3 Key Skills. On the day of my last exam (after it of course) I took a bus back England. I moved back to the place where I had gone to boarding school. I had been there for 3 years and that was the longest I had lived anywhere because of my Dad's job. Looking back I'm pleased we moved around a lot, because it means I have friends all over the place. My last couple of years at boarding school were great (apart from the teachers and lessons). I did a lot of crazy things, met a lot of crazy people and now have a place to call home. I've had a few flats since I moved out from Mum and Dads and I now have a house which I love so much. I'm not a clubber, I did all that when I was younger and I also suffer from terrible hangovers now! I just love relaxing in my own home and having friends round. I also have house parties because I have lots of DJ friends and have a set of decks in my front room. I'm really into drum n' bass and so love going to raves, all nighters and house parties. I got my first job when I was 12, as waitress and chambermaid. Thinking about it, I'm sure it must have been illegal because of my age, but we lived in a very small village. I've had so many different jobs. One of my favourites was when I worked in a small chocolate factory, there were only three of us, so most of the time we used to eat chocolate, do the quiz on the radio and chat - it was great! My first job when I left home was working in Topshop, which was a really good laugh. I then got the job of Levi's consession manager in Topshop, which coincided with my modelling really taking off. I had always wanted to get into modelling, but again because of moving around it was hard, but when I finished my A levels we had a sixth form party at which they gave out funny awards. Mine said "most likely to be next page 3 model". This made me more determined, as my whole sixth form thought I could do it, so why not? One day, while I was in the Halifax, after I had moved back to the UK, a man approached me and asked if I would be interested in doing some modelling. It was light bondage, but I thought what the hell, got to start somewhere. The company was called Inxesse and I went for my first shoot that week. I continued to do the odd shoot there and then I entered a competition for Max Power and won. I had also entered a competition with Fastcar and won that too! Before I could work for Max Power I signed a contract with Fastcar for a year, but i ended up being with them for 3 years. I won the title Miss Fastcar 2004 and Miss Wolfrace. The competition was sponsored by Wolfrace Wheels, who supplied a brilliant prize (a set of alloys, a holiday and some spending money). I was the face of their company for 2005 but i continued to work with them and am still the face of thier company. I have also been the face of Ann Summers for the past 4 years. I quit my job to concentrate on my modelling. A big risk financially, even though I had cut down the hours I worked at Levi's, in the end I just realised if you want to make it big you can't be a part time model. I joined my agency International Model Management (IMM) in April 2004 and have had good regular work since.I also do a lot of work direct so if you think im suitable for a job you may have then please send me a message. I have done loads of work for loads of different magazines and companies!!!! take a look at my pics and you will see just some of my work. Join my website and you will see loads more, plus exclusive video's that you cant see anywhere else. I have met so many people and travelled to some beautiful places such as, LA, Mexico, Miami, North and South Africa, Portugal, Switzerland, Prague and many more since I started full time modelling. I don't see my family as much as I would like to as they live in Yorkshire and most of my work is in London. But I have a great group of friends where I am and they're like a second family to me and mean a lot! My Dad has just got out of the army after 22 years; he left as a Seargent Major and I am very proud of him. When I'm not in front of the camera I don't wear much make-up and live in jeans and comfy jumpers. I spend my time shopping (of course), cooking (and cleaning up!), walking my dog, meeting friends and going to the pub to play pool. I have a dog called Hendrix whom I I love to bits! And I like to rave, play poker, do aromatherapy, visit the health spa, go to the cinema and do random fun things. I also have a load of fish but the number of them changes all the time! As I am not so good in looking after them for some reason and am always buying or being donated new ones! Hope you've enjoyed reading about me, there is so much more to say but then I would be here forever. If you have any questions then come and join the forum at and have a chat with me. XXX

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